Thursday, May 18, 2006

whos Elliot Yamin??

whos this Elliot Yamin that ppl here are getting all worked up for??
sad for you abhi, no scrubs...start watching sopranos man!!!!!!!!!!!
thats all i have been watching and yea, im gonna start 24 season 5 pretty soon. u guys watching that or what??


In Scrubs Season Finale...JD and Turk

Oh wait....I am not going to tell you what happened. Some people in this forum post the result in the heading and ruin it for other people that Tivo'ed the Idol Result show so he could watch it after his test :(

Back to the Main Point....Scrubs just ended its 5 Season....Now I have nothing to do on Tuesday :(

Haathi Merey Saathi :) You get the point :)